Water Heroes: Stub Parker

Water Heroes: Stub Parker

Leslie (Stub) Parker retired from Danville’s Wastewater Treatment Facility at the end of October after 39 years as the Chief Operator.
Stub was the first, and only, operator from the facility’s opening in 1983 to his retirement in 2022.

Water Heroes: Brad Snow

Water Heroes: Brad Snow

Brad Snow is a registered apprentice in drinking water and wastewater treatment for the town of Richmond. In honor of National Apprenticeship Week, we asked him a few questions about his experiences as an apprentice.

Water Heroes: Ryan Muratorri

Water Heroes: Ryan Muratorri

Ryan Muratorri is a wastewater apprentice at the Town of Poultney, VT. In honor of National Apprenticeship Week, we asked him a few questions about his experiences as an apprentice.

Water Heroes: Pete Krolczyk

Water Heroes: Pete Krolczyk

Pete Krolczyk is retiring as Chief Operator of the Waterbury wastewater plant, which is being renamed the ‘Peter S. Krolczyk WWTP’ in his honor.

Water Heroes: New Operators

Water Heroes: New Operators

Meet some of Vermont’s newest water and wastewater operators. This is the next generation of water professionals, who will serve their communities, protect public health, and tackle new challenges like emerging contaminants and climate change.