Become a Member
Members of the Vermont Rural Water Association receive special discounts and services while supporting our mission and the work that we do. System Memberships are available for water and wastewater systems. Associate and Sustaining Associate Memberships are available for businesses, vendors, and friends of the association.
The cost of a System Membership ranges from $120 to $675 depending on the type and size of your water/wastewater system.
Benefits of Membership
- 50% discount on trainings for system employees
- Eligibility to participate in Apprenticeship Program
- Discounted registration for our Annual Conference and Trade Show
- Priority response during emergencies and use of a portable generator
- Eligibility for low-interest loans through the Rural Water Loan Fund
- Use of new technical assistance tools including drones, nano down-well camera, thermal camera, digital hydrant flow tester, and portable ultrasonic flow meter
- Ability to borrow certain tools such as smoker and push camera
- Benefits from National Rural Water Association including Chrysler Fleet Program and reduced registration at NRWA events
Additional benefits are available to Associate and Sustaining Associate Members.

Why Join?
When you become a member, you aren’t just receiving discounts and perks. You’re making a donation to the Vermont Rural Water Association, a nonprofit organization. We rely on membership dollars to help us do the work we do ensuring that communities across Vermont have safe drinking water and treated wastewater.
Membership dollars are especially important for work that isn’t covered by grants or other funding sources, such as advocacy on behalf of water and wastewater systems at the state and federal levels. Recently, Vermont Rural Water has worked hard on issues like disaster response after the 2023 and 2024 floods, PFAS regulations, workforce development, and infrastructure funding. Your membership helps support important work like this.
System Members also have voting rights on matters concerning the Association, such as bylaws and Board of Director elections. In this way, you have a direct influence on the organization.