Emergency Response & Preparedness

Flooding Emergencies

Find information and updates about the July 2024 flooding at

Find information and emergency response resources related to the July 2023 flooding at

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Water and wastewater systems should be prepared for emergencies including storms, ice, flooding, drought, power outages, cyberattacks, supply chain issues, worker shortages, and pandemics. Create an up-to-date Emergency Response Plan, communicate with your municipality’s Emergency Response Director, and join the VT WARN mutual aid network.


The Vermont Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (VT WARN) is a mutual aid network of water and wastewater systems. It is free and voluntary. Members can request assistance like extra workers or equipment during any type of emergency. Find out more and join the network at vtwarn.org

Green circle with graphics of a traffic cone, a glass of water, a manhole labeled "SEWER" and a body of water.

Emergency Response Trailers

Vermont Rural Water and VT WARN purchased two 12-foot trailers and a number of pieces of new equipment with a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the Vermont Department of Health. Water and wastewater systems that are members of VT WARN can borrow the trailers during an emergency or to perform preventative maintenance.

The new equipment includes ground penetrating radar units, portable correlators, a valve and hydrant exerciser, and a tilt-and-pan sewer line camera. This equipment will complement tools and supplies already available to systems through VT WARN and Vermont Rural Water such as safety gear, lights, generators, boats, pumps, saws, and portable tanks.

View a list of equipment available on the trailers.

A navy blue trailer that says "Drinking Water & Wastewater Emergency Response"

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