Updates from Vermont Rural Water
Water Heroes: Diana Butler
Diana Butler recently left the Vermont Rural Water Association after five years as a Water System Specialist and Source Protection Specialist. She helped countless water systems, and her endless enthusiasm will be missed!
Service Line Inventories required by the new the Lead & Copper Rule Revisions
All water systems subject to the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) must create a Service Line Inventory and Lead Service Line Replacement Plan (if required) by October 16, 2024.
Canaan Fire District #1 Enters Great American Water Taste Test
Canaan Fire District #1 won the title of best tasting water in Vermont during a statewide competition in 2022. Now it will compete in a national water taste test in Washington, D.C. on February 8.
Water Heroes: Stub Parker
Leslie (Stub) Parker retired from Danville’s Wastewater Treatment Facility at the end of October after 39 years as the Chief Operator.
Stub was the first, and only, operator from the facility’s opening in 1983 to his retirement in 2022.
Your O&M Manual: A useful guide or a thorn in your side?
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals are considered living documents, so they should be updated whenever something at your system changes. Ideally, this manual is not just fulfilling the requirements of the Water Supply Rule, but is a useful guide for the water system.
Water & Wastewater Workers: Value Them and Retain Them
by Paula Jackson This article was published in the winter 2022–2023 issue of our newsletter.For the past three years I have been working on Vermont Rural Water’s Apprenticeship Program. During this...
Cold Weather Safety
Working outside in cold weather poses special challenges and requires extra precautions. Read on for safety suggestions for water and wastewater workers.
Announcing Emergency Response Trailers for Water and Wastewater Systems
Vermont Rural Water was able to purchase two trailers and a number of pieces of new equipment with a grant. The trailers and equipment will be available for free to members of VT WARN for emergency response and preventative maintenance.
Water Heroes: Brad Snow
Brad Snow is a registered apprentice in drinking water and wastewater treatment for the town of Richmond. In honor of National Apprenticeship Week, we asked him a few questions about his experiences as an apprentice.
Water Heroes: Ryan Muratorri
Ryan Muratorri is a wastewater apprentice at the Town of Poultney, VT. In honor of National Apprenticeship Week, we asked him a few questions about his experiences as an apprentice.