Advocate for Water & Sewer Infrastructure Funding

You are encouraged to advocate for state and local funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to be used in ways that will benefit water/wastewater systems and their infrastructure needs. Learn more about ARPA funds.

Nearly $200 million  will go directly to Vermont’s cities, towns, and villages over the course of the next year. This money can be used to make necessary investments in water, sewer, or broadband infrastructure. A municipality may transfer funds to a fire district or water district.

The State of Vermont will be receiving $1 billion in ARPA funds. Governor Scott’s proposal allocates $170 million to water and sewer infrastructure. However, the bulk of this funding is for development of new systems and new CSO/stormwater projects, rather than for repairing/upgrading existing infrastructure. This proposal will not help meet the needs of our current treatment plants and distribution and collection systems.

Vermont Rural Water and GMWEA are asking the Governor and Vermont legislators to increase the ARPA allocation for drinking water and clean water projects from $170 to $350 million and to include $180 million for replacement of aging water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. Read our press release.


Contact Your Legislators

We are asking you to call, email, or otherwise get in touch with the legislators representing your district. Find your senators and representatives here:  If one of your legislators is on the House or Senate Appropriations Committees, please prioritize contacting them.

You can use this template to start your email. Replace capitalized sections with information specific to your system. Feel free add or change language as you see fit. Tell your legislators about your water or wastewater system. How have you been impacted by the pandemic? What are your infrastructure needs? What are the other challenges you are facing? How much infrastructure money could you realistically spend by December 2024 (the ARPA deadline)? What are your other needs in the next 10 years?

Also mention how your system supports state priorities such as:

  • Affordable housing
  • Compact settlement patterns
  • Reduce costs for families and businesses
  • Preserving the environment
  • Supporting safe and healthy communities
  • Protecting the most vulnerable Vermonters
  • Strengthen Vermont’s workforce
  • Create construction jobs
  • Building resilient communities

Template Email to Legislators


Write a Letter to the Editor

Submit a letter or opinion piece to your local paper to inform your customers about this funding opportunity for infrastructure needs. You can use this template to get started (replace capitalized sections with information specific to your system). Most newspapers have a website or email address where you can submit your letter.

Template Letter to the Editor


Talk to Town Officials

Cities and towns will also be receiving ARPA funding, which they can use on water and sewer infrastructure. Tell your town officials what your system needs. Fire and water districts should also contact officials in the communities they serve.

Template letter for municipal systems

Template letter for fire/water districts