Now is the time to capitalize on the attention that water and wastewater have received since the July flooding to improve inclusion in emergency response planning efforts and funding for infrastructure repair/replacement.
Water Systems—both potable water and wastewater management—were recently added to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) list of Community Lifelines, which receive extra focus from FEMA during an emergency.
Like many in Vermont, I woke up on Monday, July 10 with a feeling of panic. The night before, it had been pouring rain and we’d had flash flood warnings for hours. Now, we were starting to hear about towns east of the Green Mountains that were seeing major flooding, and some water and wastewater systems were already in distress.
Congratulations are in order for the five apprentices that are completing Vermont Rural Water’s apprenticeship program this year.
Disposal of wastewater solids is anticipated to become more expensive if beneficial reuse is restricted due to concerns about PFAS contamination. Wastewater facilities were not designed to remove PFAS from either water or solids.
All water systems subject to the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) must create a Service Line Inventory and Lead Service Line Replacement Plan (if required) by October 16, 2024.