
Advanced WW Series: BOD, ORP, and Sludge Production



Advanced WW Series: BOD, ORP, and Sludge Production

This class examines substrate (BOD), degradation (metabolism) of substrate, the form of degradation of substrate that is occurring using oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and the growth of bacterial cells (sludge production). The class discusses the quantity (amount) and quality (type) of substrate that enter the treatment process and their fate as either degradation to non-polluting and less polluting wastes, transformation to new bacterial cells, removal of colloids and particulate material, and pass-through as effluent BOD. The five basis bacterial pathways to BOD degradation and their consequences are presented. These pathways include the use of free molecular oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, organic molecules (mixed acid fermentation), and methane production. The occurrence of any pathway in the degradation of substrate and its consequences to the treatment process can be detected by specific analytical measurements including the use of ORP and therefore used for process control and troubleshooting purposes. A significant consequence of the degradation of BOD is bacterial growth (sludge production) and operation measures to reduce sludge production are provided.

3 TCH (Wastewater)

Michael Gerardi (Michael Gerardi & Associates, LLC)

Elijah Lemieux (Vermont Rural Water Association)

Advanced Wastewater Treatment Series 
This class is part of the Advanced Wastewater Treatment Series. Classes in this series are intended for experienced wastewater operators. It is recommended that you have attended the Basic Wastewater Course, passed a wastewater certification exam, and/or worked a number of years at a wastewater treatment facility before taking these advanced classes.

These classes are designed for operators who are looking to enhance their understanding of wastewater treatment; preparing for a Grade 3, 4, or 5 wastewater exam; or seeking a management position at a wastewater treatment facility. There is no formal enrollment in the Advanced Wastewater Treatment Series—just sign up for each class you want to take. These classes will have “Advanced WW Series” in the title. Find more information here.


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This class is full. You can sign up for the waitlist below. We will email you if a spot becomes available.