
Basic Wastewater Course



Basic Wastewater Course

January 10, 17, 24, 31
February 7, 14, 21, 28
8 am to 3 pm each day

This eight-week course will prepare attendees to take the Grades 1, 2, or 3 Domestic Wastewater certification exams, and is a great primer for those taking higher grade exams. Attendees will learn the basic concepts of wastewater treatment from collection system to final disposal of effluents and solids.

The course will be taught by Elijah Lemieux, Wayne Graham, and Paula Jackson from the Vermont Rural Water Association, along with guest presenters to provide expertise on specific topics.

The course is based on Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants (Volume 1, 8th edition) by the Office of Water Programs. All students are required to have a copy of this book. You can purchase it for $100 when you register for this class.

48 TCH – Wastewater

$685 (with textbook)
$585 (no textbook)

Math Class
Students are encouraged to attend Basic Math for Water and Wastewater Operators. It will be offered on December 13 in Essex, March 14 in Essex, and March 28 in Rutland.

Register early! The maximum class size is 20.

This class will be offered again in Chester, VT beginning in March. See


This event is full. You can sign up for the waitlist below and we will email you if a spot becomes available.


This class is full. You can sign up for the waitlist below. We will email you if a spot becomes available.