Leonard Farrar
Name: Leonard Farrar
System: New England Kurn Hattin School
New England Kurn Hattin School for Children has been around since the early 1900s. Students and some staff live onsite, so it is a Community Water System, rather than an NTNC like most schools. It is a Class 3 water system with chlorine disinfection. They recently added Granular Activated Carbon to treat for arsenic and manganese.
Leonard has been working at the school for 22 years. He says his favorite part of the job is working with people and helping people. He’s proud to be always improving the water system and keeping up with changing regulations to keep the consumers safe.
Paula Jackson, Vermont Rural Water’s apprenticeship coordinator, said, “I started working with [Leonard] back in 2004 – I have known him and worked with him all these years! He is a smart, thoughtful, and a really sweet guy.”
During the pandemic, the school lost four maintenance staff, but Leonard kept working 7 days a week to keep things going. He says he’s motivated by the kids, admin, ED, and the team at Kurn Hattin.
His advice for other water operators is to stay on top of things with your water system, and ask questions and accept help from those who are willing, like Vermont Rural Water and DWGWPD.
Thank you, Lenoard, and to all of Vermont’s water and wastewater heroes who perform essential services to protect the health and environment of our communities!
Do you know a Water Hero who should be featured here? Email info@vtruralwater.org