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Emergency Response Equipment Demonstration (7/12)


July 12, 2022 — Montpelier, VT

July 12, 2022 
9:00 am – 11:30 am

A natural disaster such as a flood may cause damage to water and wastewater infrastructure. It is important to public health that repairs are made quickly so that water and wastewater services can be restored to homes and businesses. Drinking water and wastewater systems may use the VT WARN mutual aid network to call for assistance from other systems and Vermont Rural Water during an emergency.

VT WARN and Vermont Rural Water have recently received new emergency response equipment purchased with a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the Vermont Department of Health. The new equipment includes ground penetrating radar units, portable correlators, a valve and hydrant exerciser, and a tilt-and-pan sewer line camera. This equipment will complement tools and supplies already available to systems through VT WARN and Vermont Rural Water such as safety gear, lights, generators, pumps, saws, and portable tanks.

Join us for a preview of the new emergency response equipment and learn how you can use these new tools to restore water and sewer services after a natural disaster. This training is free, but you must be a member of VT WARN to attend. If you are not a member, join for free at https://dec.vermont.gov/vtwarn

Note that the same class will be offered again on Wednesday, July 13.

2 TCH – Water & Wastewater

Montpelier Water Treatment Plant
1480 Paine Turnpike N
Berlin, VT 05602
Dress for the weather and plan to be outside all morning!

Liz Royer, VRWA

VRWA Staff

Registration is closed.

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