Protecting Source Water in Forested Watersheds
Protecting Source Water in Forested Watersheds
Protecting Source Water in Forested Watersheds
Protecting Source Water in Forested Watersheds
Forests offer numerous benefits to source water quality for drinking water systems. However, a unique set of challenges may arise for water system personnel trying to manage and mitigate potential sources of contamination (PSOC) found in forested Source Protection Areas. This training will focus on two of the most common potential sources of contamination and disruption to systems located in rural, forested watersheds: logging and beavers.
Join Vermont Rural Water’s source water specialist, along with staff from the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation and Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife to learn more about Vermont’s land use history and how modern forest and wildlife management practices can help mitigate threats to drinking water quality, and how to implement them at your water system.
3 TCH (Water)
Brad Roy (Vermont Rural Water Association)
Tyler Brown (Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department)
Silas Rainville (Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation)
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This class is full. You can sign up for the waitlist below. We will email you if a spot becomes available.