Cybersecurity and Internet Safety
Cybersecurity and Internet Safety
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Cybersecurity and Internet Safety
Cybersecurity means protecting computers and computer-based technology from attacks and hackers. This has become a concern for water and wastewater systems in recent years, but it can be hard for operators to understand the technical aspects of cybersecurity. This class will cover cybersecurity considerations for water and wastewater systems in an easy-to-understand format. We will begin by talking about the most important things that everyone can do to keep their personal information and computers safe, like using strong passwords and learning to avoid dangerous emails. Next, we will talk about ways to protect a water/wastewater system’s computers (as well as SCADA) and what to do in the event of an attack. We will look at recent case studies of water and wastewater systems that have experienced cyber attacks. Finally, we will look at some resources that are available for free to help water and wastewater systems improve their cybersecurity.
3 TCH (Water & Wastewater)
Katherine Boyk (Vermont Rural Water Association)
Liz Royer (Vermont Rural Water Association)
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