Water Professionals Appreciation Day Lunch
Water Professionals Appreciation Day Lunch
Water Professionals Appreciation Day Lunch
Water Professionals Appreciation Day Lunch
Join us for lunch and entertainment to celebrate all the hard-working, dedicated drinking water and wastewater professionals in Vermont!
Pulled Pork
Mac and Cheese
Vegetarian Jambalaya
Potato Salad
From I-89 , take Exit 6 (South Barre/Barre Route 14) and follow the access road approximately 3 miles.
At the traffic light at the bottom of the hill, go through the intersection and straight up the hill (Middle Rd) for 1 mile.
At the first intersection, turn left onto Graniteville Rd (at Rock of Ages).
After one mile turn right onto Websterville Rd .
A little over one mile you will see a huge granite quarry on your right and a left-hand turn (a Y intersection) taking you to Rt. 302/Rt. 110.
Continue 200 feet up the hill beyond this intersection to the next intersection, then go straight ahead onto Little John Rd, going between the two yellow houses.
We will be in the Celebration Barn, the third building on the left from the intersection.
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