6/26/24 Email Update
Water Heroes, Water Professionals Appreciation Day, Summer Newsletter, FEMA Hazard Mitigation Funding Grants
Water Heroes, Water Professionals Appreciation Day, Summer Newsletter, FEMA Hazard Mitigation Funding Grants
Tristan MacGregor-Stewart and Scott Franks recently completed some big upgrades at the Town of Plainfield water and wastewater departments.
Water and Wastewater Workers Designated First Responders, Water Professionals Appreciation Day
Act 143 expanded the definition of “first responder” to include public works, drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater personnel.
Mentors are seasoned operators who are responsible for the day-to-day training of an apprentice at a water or wastewater facility.
The Middlebury Water Division dealt with at least 33 water leaks caused by a “water hammer” from a frozen hydrant.