Permit Required Confined Space Entry
Permit Required Confined Space Entry
Permit Required Confined Space Entry
Permit Required Confined Space Entry
Water and wastewater facilities contain many confined spaces which can be dangerous to operators. We will discuss common confined spaces in water and wastewater facilities and the difference between a confined space and a permit-required confined space. This class will build awareness about the safety hazards of a confined space such as atmospheric hazards (hydrogen sulfide, methane); mechanical hazards; and blood-borne pathogens that are a concern for wastewater collection system workers. You will learn about the proper protective equipment, procedures for entry into a permit-required confined space, the need for a rescue plan, and how to rescue a co-worker if the situation arises. OSHA CFR 1910.146
3 TCH (Water & Wastewater)
Paula Jackson (Vermont Rural Water Association)
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