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Save the Date!
Water Professionals Appreciation Day
Friday, July 19, 2024
Barre, VT
We’re celebrating all the hard-working, dedicated drinking water and wastewater professionals in Vermont! Join us on Friday, July 19 in Barre for a friendly disc golf tournament in the morning followed by a free lunch.
Find more information at https://vtruralwater.org/2024-appreciation-day/ Registration coming soon!
Service Line Inventory Reminder
Service Line Inventories and Lead Service Line Replacement Plans are due on October 16, 2024—just six months away!
Under the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), every community and non-transient non-community (NTNC) water system must complete a Service Line Inventory. Water systems must also develop a Lead Service Line Replacement Plan if they have line(s) made of lead, galvanized requiring replacement, or unknown material.
Find information about these requirements and potential sources of assistance or funding at https://dec.vermont.gov/water/drinking-water/water-quality-monitoring/lead-and-copper-rule-revisions
Interim Strategy for PFAS in Residuals
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) released an Interim Strategy for Mitigating PFAS Risks Associated with Residuals Management, effective April 1, 2024.
The strategy is intended to help Vermont mitigate risks associated with potential transfer of PFAS to the environment from land-applied residuals (biosolids, septage, and paper sludge). It focuses on characteristics of appropriate land application sites as well as PFAS testing of biosolids, soils, and groundwater at application sites.
Read the interim strategy at https://dec.vermont.gov/sites/dec/files/documents/VTDEC.Final_.PFASResiduals.InterimStrategy.2024April.pdf
(P.S. You probably heard that the EPA announced new drinking water standards for PFAS last week. We are putting together some information and resources that will be available soon—stay tuned.)