We’re celebrating all the hard-working, dedicated drinking water and wastewater professionals in Vermont! Join us on Friday, July 19 in Barre, VT for a free lunch and a friendly disc golf tournament. All operators, board members, trustees, contractors, specialists, engineers, regulators, equipment providers (really anyone who works in water/wastewater) are invited!

Disc Golf Tournament
Quarries Disc Golf Course
Starting at 8:30 am

Celebration Barn at Millstone Hill
Starting at 11:30 am
8:30 am –12 pm — Disc golf tournament at Quarries Disc Golf Course (part of Barre Town Forest)
11:30 am –2 pm — Lunch and entertainment at Millstone Hill
Both events are free but we ask that you register in advance.
Sign up for the disc golf tournament here.
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