Welcome Allison!
Allison Smith recently joined Vermont Rural Water in the new role of Training Administrator. Allison will be helping with our training classes, the Apprenticeship Program, and workforce development. She previously worked at Vermont 4-H and for former US Senator Patrick Leahy. She lives in Bolton.
Join us in welcoming Allison!

Flood Recovery Roundtable
Vermont Rural Water wastewater specialist Wayne Graham attended a roundtable with state and federal partners to talk about Vermont’s water and wastewater systems and the ongoing post-flood recovery efforts.
“I got to participate in a meeting that included USDA RUS Administrator Andrew Berke, USDA RD VT/NH State Director Sarah Waring, ANR Secretary Julie Moore, and representatives from Sanders’, Welch’s and Balint’s offices,” Wayne said. “Administrator Berke was seeking local knowledge of Vermont’s water sector funding needs and challenges that Vermont communities face with long-term planning and growth. All agreed that more work is needed to assist communities in sustainability by increasing knowledge of financial capacity and capital planning.
“One key point and bit of good news, relayed by USDA RD Acting Community Programs Director Misty Sinsigalli, is that USDA RD and Vermont State Revolving Fund program administrators work very well together in providing the best financing packages for communities seeking water and wastewater improvements. That is certainly not the case in other states.”
Pictured above: Wayne Graham (center) with with USDA Rural Utilities Service Administrator Andrew Berke and Rural Development State Director Sarah Waring.
Webinar on Power Outages
EPA and DEC are hosting a free webinar about how power outages affect water and wastewater systems. The workshop will include presentations by regulatory agencies and water, wastewater, and electric utilities to foster ideas about how to better prepare for, respond to, and recover from power outages. The workshop will also provide information on power resilience resources and potential backup power funding sources. Click here to read the flyer.
Date: Thursday, December 7
Time: 9 am to 3 pm
Credit: 4.75 TCHs for wastewater (water credit is pending approval)
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYldOGrrTIpHdO3RGvpXBijX8SvJL3O-iM1